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Old Testamant Notes
Jewish religion call the first 5 books of the Bible the Torah or the Pentateuch
job is considered to be one of the oldest books of the Bible *Ruth was written during the time of Judges
Jacob's namesake is used in Scripture at times as a reference to the Jewish Nation
Jonah, Nahum & Obadiah preached to foreign nations
I & 2 Samuel are the stories of Saul and David
King David was not allowed to build the Temple of GOD because he was a warrior King
The tabernacle housed the 'Ark of the Covenant' The Bible does not say what happened to it
I. Kings starts the stories about Solomon, Elijah, Elisha and continues in 2 Kings and ends with the fall of both Kingdoms
1 & 2 Chronicles recounts for the most part the same stories of 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings
1 & 2 Samuel =1 Chronicles
<* & 2 Kings = 2 Chronicles /li>
Assyria destroyed the northern Kingdom of Israel first
Babylon captured the Assyrians and also captured and destroyed Judah and exiled them (70 years) to the north
Persia destroyed Babylon and took control of the land *Book of Esther written during Persia's occupation
Samaria was the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel, Jerusalem was the southern capital of Judah
The Kings of Persia allowed the Jewish people return to Jerusalem and rebuild
About 50 thousand Jews (called the Remnant) returned to Jerusalem after the 70 year Babylon exile
The northern kingdom of Israel is also referred to as Jacob or Ephraim or Samaria in the book of Isiah
Malachi, the last Old Testament book is when the Jews are cured of their Idolatry of other gods, and then 400 years pass to the birth of Christ